My Fitness Journey, Part Three: Supplementation
Sup·ple·ment, noun 1. Something that completes or enhances something else when added to it. 2. Add an extra element or amount to. 3. (in real-world terms) A multi-billion pound / euro / dollar industry, often full of snake oil peddlers selling overhyped or completely ineffective mystery substances to the desperately gullible seeking that elusive "magic pill" which will make them lean and fit. These are often shilled by celebrities or dangerous con-artists on TV. - Full disclosure: I spent most of my life as that very person seeking the magical quick fix in a bottle. List a supplement, I've probably tried it. Everything I rant about in this post I am 100% guilty of. And I still use supplements to this day, because there are some that actually work ... however , the key is in their name, they supplement health and fitness. They are not the solution in and of themselves. - Newsflash: You cannot "lose thirty pounds of fat in thirty days" with the aid of a pill...